Our Services


Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is caused by insufficient insulin (type 1 diabetes) or inefficient insulin (type 2 diabetes). It may be related to pregnancy (diabetes of pregnancy or gestational diabetes).

Most types of diabetes are related to insulin resistance. There are now many different treatments available for insulin resistance and diabetes.


Obesity is caused by both genetic and lifestyle factors, although in some cases a hormonal imbalance can make it worse. If obesity is hormonally-related then treatment of the underlying hormonal imbalance is the most effective treatment.

Following a full history and examination Dr. Mohapatra will test for a hormonal imbalance if required. If no hormonal imbalance is detectable, he will then take a careful look at potential contributing factors in your daily routine and help you implement specific lifestyle modifications. He will then consider to treat with anti-obesity medications if suitable.


Osteoporosis, or weakened bones, is related to female gender, increasing age, family history, low sunlight exposure (causing low Vitamin D levels), physical inactivity and smoking.

Unfortunately many people will not have symptoms until they break a bone (fracture) and that causes pain, inconvenience, and in some cases immobility, and can increase the risk of death. Fortunately, screening is available for osteoporosis, along with many effective medications.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition of insulin resistance which may be related to reduced fertility in some women. It may or may not be related to being overweight. Treatments for insulin resistance can restore fertility in many cases.

Thyroid Over
& Under-Activity

The thyroid is responsible for making a hormone which controls our metabolic rate, in other words, the rate at which our bodies burn energy.

– An over-active thyroid leads to weight loss, feeling hot, tremour, and feeling anxious.
– An under-active thyroid leads to weight gain, feeling cold, and feeling depressed.

In both cases you may feel exhausted – we have very effective treatments available for both types of disorders.

Thyroid Nodules & Thyroid Cancer

Surveillance and monitoring are often the only action required for thyroid nodules. However, in some instances further treatment is required including surgery, radioiodine or blood tests. Our specialist team can coordinate this with you.

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